tea audio

How to make iaso tea.


Try iaso tea for great results I've seen myself.

Get 1 gallon bottle of distilled water to make the tea.

Empty a quart of that bottle into a tea kettle bring to a boil then place it on a cool burner.

Use one pack of tea which has two tea bags and place in the kettle which makes a gallon of tea. when added back to the gallon bottle.

Let cook for 4 to 8 hours and pour it back into the gallon of water you took it from. Tea bags also.

Makes a week worth of detox tea. Take 3 times a day. 8 ounces  morning and evening. 4 ounces at noon.


1 to 3 Tablespoons of coconut oil, unrefined, virgin

1 cap full of Nutra Burst 

Put these into your smoothie with the other ingredients  

Make a smoothie if you wish. Banana fruit berries or whatever you prefer.